Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Memories

I wrote this for school today, and thought it would make a good blog, so I decided to post it here! Don't you feel special?

I woke up feeling euphoric in my special Barbie Christmas pajamas to the sound of eggs cooking on the stove and the smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven. At six years old, I had been waiting for this day all year, and couldn't believe it was finally here! I umped out of bed and ran to the stairs, then stopped, remembering that I had to wait for my parents to check and make sure Santa had come.

"Mommy!" I cried. "Daddy! Did Santa come?" My dad walked to the stairs a few minutes later, carrying a steaming mug of tea.

The calming sent drifted up the stairs, as he said "He came. Do you want to open presents or eat breakfast first?

I ran down the stairs, sounding like a stampede of six children. Half an hour later, I was euphoric once again. I had gotten all I wanted and more!


Anonymous said...

oh yay. sounds great. glad you had fun. this year we're going to singapore for christmas. sort of expensive, so probably not that many presents this year. but thats okay. we'll still have an awesome time. plus i'm going to go visit indonesia with my dad for a couple days. i was born there, and spend my first coulple of years of my life there, so its pretty special. but unfortunately, ive forgotten all my indonesian! so i wont be able to talk to anyone.

Aspiring Author said...

Cute! lol. Christmas used to be like that at my house. Except that I had two younger sisters and a younger brother that woke me up at about 4 am... "Santa came! Santa came!" All good Fun.

Im not going to restart the blog. Mostly Im too lazy. but I am hoping to get some new stuff up soon... My plans keep changing! Thanks for your support too! I am so nervous about the whole thing...

Aspiring Author said...

Haha! THanks... I'm really working on it ;) Do you really think its good? If you have any advice about it, let me know... I'm so nervous!!