Friday, November 14, 2008

Stuff I hafta do...

This was ruthlessly ripped off of my friend Abby, who stole it from her friend Meow. Both of them have awesome blogs and you all should go read them NOW! THIS VERY INSTANT! BUT READ THE REST OF MY BLOG FIRST!!

KK. So here is my to- do list.

~ Buy more books in the Blue Bloods series
~Finish NaNoWriMo
~Finish my application for the Ukraine trip
~Do my homework (eww...)
~Email Luke
~Study Japanese...
~Study for my Biology test (again, EW)
~Convince my parents to let me see Twilight while in AZ.
~Buy Taylor Swifts new CD (I hate country music, but I love Taylor!)
~Email Abby and Leash

As I said, go read Abby and Meow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yay! You did it, too! My checklist is more of a checklist for life then just a checklist for a week or month or something, tho. But cool. And yes, I can't wait to see Twilight, too. Good luck on your biology test! I have one soon as well...