A high school student trying to find herself and figure out where her life is headed.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Pon and Zi
Pon and Zi (pronounced 'z') are two of the most adorable creatures ever! The blue one is the girl and the yellow one is the boy; I don't know which one is Pon and which one is Zi, though.
Falling for you.
Hi how are you? I find your site interesting and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.
I have an art blog here in San Diego and am looking for new friends who will comment. I would of course come back and comment on your blog. I hope to hear from you, and take care... Jesse
Hi Faith, Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am a person who has a long story and to answer that question is very complicated for me.
But the short of the long of it is yes... I am a christian. I had a lot of problems with alcohol growing up and fortunately I found a GOD of my understanding that has helped me re-build and have an amazing life.
So I am a spiritual person and I am open to all meditations as long as they don't hurt me. I don't push my ideas on people, I just write what is on my mind. So I believe in a Higher Power. But to take a stand, yes I am christian.
they are soooooooo cute! i love them! i might steal them and advertise them on my own blog, mwahahaha. and give kudos to you for the discovery. ooh and today hope played basketball against ISPP (the really snobby school that my bro goes to, well, its not really snobby, but whatever, it's kind of rich) and my bro, who doesn't like hope cos he used to go there and hated it, is always like dude, hope sucks, and then we beat NISC (the other big international school) and i was like HA in your face and he was like well NISC sucks and i was like oh. well. whatever. and NOW i'm like haHA!! we BEAT you!!! and he was really embarrassed that i was at his school, on his 'turf' and everything. it was really fun embarrassing him in front of pretty girls and all the 'cool' guys. wow this comment is really long.
Starts: Monday, 3 August 2009 Ends: Monday, 30 April 2012 Bold= Done! Italic= In Progress 1. Dye my hair Turquoise. 2. Go Parasailing. 3. Learn to Drink Tea without a ton a sugar. 4. Go to a Broncos/ Redskins game with Arielle 5. Go on another Royal Servants trip 6. Get a bookshelf big enough to fit all my books on it 7. Catalog my “library” (bookshelf… only one…) 8. Read the Circle trilogy by Ted Dekker 9. Go to London 10. Go to Purple Door 11. Blog every day for a month 12. Finish writing a book I started 13. Sing a Solo. 14. Keep my room clean for a month 15. Read the entire Harry Potter series in 7 days 16. Read one book a day for a month. 17. Scrapbook- and actually finish the book myself. 18. Reread my American Girl books 19. Go on a road trip with my best friends 20. Get a pedicure 21. Go six months without soda 22. Go a week without caffeine. 23. Learn to play guitar. 24. Have a “Spa Day” 25. Become a full vegetarian for either lent or one month 26. Make distinguished honour roll. 27. Learn British spelling. 28. Learn another language fluently. 29. Get another piercing. 30. Go on a media fast for a week 31. Keep in touch with friends who don’t live near me. 32. Write a poem that’s actually good. 33. Go water skiing- again. 34. Take the SATS 35. Get my license. (Permit first) 36. Finish health class 37. Use my library card for something other than online research 38. Get a belt from Hot Topic 39. Journal Everyday for a month 40. Read the entire Bible 41. Reread my favourite childhood books. 42. Finish a colouring book. 43. Do my summer reading at the beginning of the summer. 44. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up 45. Take voice lessons 46. Go to Scotland 47. Apply for College 48. Find a college I want to go to. 49. Relearn Piano 50. Relive family memories. (e.g. go to places we went to a lot when I was younger) 51. Complete at least one item on my bucket list. 52. Fly in a Hot Air balloon 53. Get a henna tattoo. 54. Eat healthy for a week 55. Do a 30 hour famine. 56. Have a lead role in a musical. 57. Watch all the superman and batman movies 58. See Titanic. 59. Drink an entire cup of black coffee. 60. Go Whitewater rafting. 61. Have a Disney cartoon movie marathon. 62. Get my teeth whitened. 63. Watch a sport event live at the Olympics. 64. Memorise my mom’s chocolate chip cookie recipe. 65. Read 50 books in a year. 66. Play with a parachute like you did in kindergarten. 67. Take pictures in a photo booth with either my best friends or a boyfriend. (If I even have one in the next 3 years) 68. Do 50 sit ups a day for a month 69. Mail a secret to Post Secret 70. Do a random act of kindness; preferably anonymously. 71. Visit the museum of natural history in NYC 72. Go to wal-mart and do a bunch of random things with my friends and film it. (such as the ones from the “Random things to do in Wal-Mart facebook group) 73. Run a mile everyday for a week 74. Lead a bible study/small group 75. Buy the actual CD of all the borrowed music on my ipod. 76. Keep my locker clean for three consecutive months. 77. Find a cause I’m passionate about. 78. Buy an Abort 73 shirt 79. Buy a To Write Love on Her Arms shirt. 80. Improve my spelling 81. Improve my grammar. 82. Be less hypocritical. 83. Go two weeks without adding salt to food. (meaning putting it on top of food) 84. Go to a coffee shop and get coffee and not a mocha or frozen coffee drink. 85. Drink caffeine and not get addicted. 86. Floss my teeth everyday for a month. 87. Give up chocolate for 10 consecutive days. 88. Go to IKEA and buy something. 89. Plant a garden and take care of it. 90. Participate in “Secret Santa’s” 91. Become a less picky eater: Try five new food items. (0/5) 92. Reread and finish 2 manga series. (0/2) 93. Take one picture a day for a year. (1/365) 94. Give presents to my family and friends just because. 95. Go to Mall of America. 96. Make a duct tape bag. 97. Go to the great lakes. 98. Visit the west coast again. 99. Fix my bottom teeth 100. Find something I’m passionate about. 101. Complete this list!
Hi how are you? I find your site interesting and would like to invite you to become my blog friend.
I have an art blog here in San Diego and am looking for new friends who will comment. I would of course come back and comment on your blog. I hope to hear from you, and take care... Jesse
Agreed...way cute :) I love "I eated it" ... sounds like my girls.
Hi Faith,
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I am a person who has a long story and to answer that question is very complicated for me.
But the short of the long of it is yes... I am a christian. I had a lot of problems with alcohol growing up and fortunately I found a GOD of my understanding that has helped me re-build and have an amazing life.
So I am a spiritual person and I am open to all meditations as long as they don't hurt me. I don't push my ideas on people, I just write what is on my mind. So I believe in a Higher Power. But to take a stand, yes I am christian.
Thanks for your comment.
hehe - I like those :)
they are soooooooo cute! i love them! i might steal them and advertise them on my own blog, mwahahaha. and give kudos to you for the discovery.
ooh and today hope played basketball against ISPP (the really snobby school that my bro goes to, well, its not really snobby, but whatever, it's kind of rich) and my bro, who doesn't like hope cos he used to go there and hated it, is always like dude, hope sucks, and then we beat NISC (the other big international school) and i was like HA in your face and he was like well NISC sucks and i was like oh. well. whatever.
and NOW i'm like haHA!! we BEAT you!!!
and he was really embarrassed that i was at his school, on his 'turf' and everything. it was really fun embarrassing him in front of pretty girls and all the 'cool' guys.
wow this comment is really long.
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