Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Faith has internet!

So, yea. Internet's back! Tomorrow is our last day of ministry; we'll be in a village called Kubanka. Fortunetly it's close to Odesa! After that, we're going to a missionarys house for dinner, then they're taking us to another missionaries house for a desert night with all the missionaries from their organization in Odesa. If that was hard to understand, I'm sorry!

Friday morning we leave for Kyiv, and we're spending the day there. On Saturday, we leave for the US via Amsterdam! We get back LATE that night. I'll have a week of some MUCH NEEDED R&R, then school starts the 25th! I can't believe how fast this summer has gone! Well, actually I can, since by this time Suday I'll have been in 7 different countries counting the US and Airports!

I FINNALLY finished Of Mice and Men! (I've been working on it since Peru!) It's... interesting. I'm not sure what to make of it. We had a layover in Philly, and I left my copy of it on the plane, so when we got to London (Layover only; dad tried to work a few day's in there, but it was to exspensive. :( ), I had to buy a new copy! It was about ten euros, so about $20!

I love Ukraine, but I can't wait to get back to the States, and sleep in my own bed, and eat chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter and real butter (they only have margerine here) and Kraft macaroni and cheese and drink hot chololate and cold soda and read Breaking Dawn and most of all be back in my own time zone!

We have a long day tomorrow, but I'm ready!


PS: The spellchecker on blogger isn't working, so sorry if words are spelled wrong.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe how much traveling you did over the summer. I'm glad you'll get a little bit of time to relax at home before school starts again.