LIAR! I do....
1) I met the girl I'm flying with to Peru today! She's so nice. We went shopping for last- minute stuff that we need then ate lunch. We ended up talking for a while afterwards.
2)I uploaded a Youtube video today. I'll try to put it on blogger, but a lot of it is focused on Youtube. Oh, well.
NOW we can get the show on the road!
o6.13.08/Day Four
What a day; I don't know where to start! Hmmm... I guess I'll write in chronological order today. Well...
We woke up to roosters crowing- again. I don't know about you, but I'm in the mood for chicken soup right now; along with the rest of the group. My mom found out there are three of them, and she named them Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
Speaking of which, our the water was out again, and our cook couldn't cook the rice, so we just had eggs & sourdough bread for breakfast. In the morning I read, helped my mom take measurements, read, and helped some of the kids in the craft portion of the lesson. Today the cut our hearts and glued them together to make butterflies.
During the lunch break we met some college students who were part of a study abroad program based in a Missouri college. They were all fluent in Spanish, and hung out with us in the afternoon.
In the afternoon, I helped kids with their crafts again. Remember the little girl from yesterday afternoon? I found out her name was Kirara. I played with her in the morning until lunch, and she came back in the afternoon for the lesson. Here are some pictures:

This afternoon after my shower when I was heading back to the Clinic, I saw some members of our team with some kids. One boy, Andre, followed my back to the clinic. He knew some English and we tried to communicate. I sat down and started reading, and he sat very close to me, put his arm around me and rested his head on my shoulder. I guess he had a little crush! Or maybe he just needed a hug... It was kind of cute, but I wasn't sure how to react- he's nine!
After the clinic closed, they showed Shrek 3. Fortunately, it had English subtitles. I don't know if I could of sat through it without them. It was so cute!
Dinner was spaghetti and banana- pineapple juice. I know it sounds weird, but it wasn't that bad. I have a stomach ache, and I'm having trouble sleeping.
See ya tomorrow! Good night!
1 comment:
Kirara - what a beautiful name. You sure seem to have a way with the kids!
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